The Mid-Atlantic Chapter was formally established in October, 1982. The first chapter newsletter was published in 1983. Initially, newsletters were simply referred to as "The Mid-Atlantic Chapter Newsletter". The name of the publication was changed to the "Signal Seeker" in February, 1986. The first edition to use the name Signal Seeker was Volume # 4, Issue # 1. Since 1983 MAC has published more than 130 editions of its quarterly newsletter. Over the years the MAC newsletter has received no less than five 1st Place NCRS Chapter Newsletter awards.
With few exceptions, four issues have been and will continue to be published each year. Editions are identified by the year and season (Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall) of publication. A Volume and Issue number is also assigned to each edition. Note that most issues contained a chapter membership application form and national, regional, or chapter event registration forms. These forms were deliberately omitted from the digital versions in the interest of expediency.
Each issue of the Signal Seeker includes articles and photographs that report on chapter sponsored events, technical articles that can make restoring a classic Corvette easier and successful, and the typical newsletter content such as event schedules, points of contact, event registration and membership application forms, and paid advertising.
You can view the current issue of the Signal Seeker HERE.
Note: All issues of the Signal Seeker are in PDF format. To view the current or back issues you must have the current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC. If you don't have Adobe on your PC or want to check to confirm that you have the latest version just click HERE and follow the instructions.
Back issues of the Signal Seeker are listed below and can be viewed on-line or downloaded for your reading pleasure, just click on the title to open the issue of your choice.
1986: Note: All issues of the Signal Seeker begining with Winter 1986, Volume 4, Issue # 1 and ending with Spring 1989, Volume 7 # 2 were printed in landscape format. When you open these issues with Adobe Acrobat Reader you will need to click on the "Tools" icon and then click on an icon that is a 3/4 arrow circle - this is the "Rotate Clockwise" tool. When you do this the document will now be in a position suitable for reading. You cannot save the document in that position. You must rotate the view each time you open one of the mentioned issues.
2003: (Note: Begining in 2003, assigned volume numbers were inadvertently repeated.
The first 2003 edition was assigned Volume number 16, it should have been 21.
Duplicate volume numbers were used through issue # 3, 2006.
The error was corrected in 2006 when issue # 4 was designated as volume number 24.)